Success Stories and Updates

June 7, 2009-August 25, 2017
I started looking for another dog when our 3rd weimaraner died suddenly on Easter day.  We were devastated.  I had searched for 2 months in several states and visited several facilities but was unable to find the dog for us.  Then Rosi, from Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue, called me and told me about Eddie.

Eddie was our first true rescue.  It is true what I had heard about rescues.  They love and appreciate you more because of their undesirable or unfortunate past.  Eddie was found in a crate in a barn, was on medication for worms and was 10 lbs underweight.  As soon as I saw Eddie, it was love at first sight.  When the young couple fostering Eddie let him out of their SUV, he came to me, turned around and sat right next to me as I was filling out the adoption papers.  I knew then that I had found our dog.  We are proof that TWR goes out of their way to try to best match their rescue with the right home.  Eddie was the perfect match for us.  He was our "perfect" dog.  Thank you TWR and Rosi.

Eddie came into our lives on June 7, 2009.  From the moment I put Eddie into the car and he curled up on his new bed, I knew we had hit the jackpot.  Eddie was such a sweet, loyal and gentile dog and yet so active and energetic.  He was always happy no matter what.  He loved to hike the mountain trails or do our 2-3 mile walk from the house.  Even in his last days when he was ill, he still wanted to walk with us.  Eddie was our joy and comfort.  He got us through so much.  When we lost Eddie to heart failure, it felt like our hearts were broken into a million pieces.  We lost such a selfless loving dog.  He gave us his all even up until the very last minute.  He did not want to leave us and we did not want to lose him.

God answered my prayer when Rosi called me that day about a dog named Eddie.  We had the privilege of knowing, caring and loving Eddie for 8 glorious years.  He was put to rest by our vet on August 25, 2017.  I believe there is a place like Rainbow Bridge.  After all, God made animals before Eve to be a companion  for Adam.  And look what Noah did, with God's instruction, to save the animals from the great flood.  And if God watches over a sparrow, he is surely watching over our Eddie.  So goodbye Eddie, until we meet again....

June and Jim

Zoey and Storm
Imagine just days after Christmas being removed from your home and surrendered to a rescue. Lucky for these two, they were surrendered together and were able to come right into doggy daycare for their boarding. Zoey and Storm waited for SIX MONTHS to meet their new family, but it was worth the wait!

Zoey and Storm are now adopted and have been in their new home for two mo...nths while their staff at the Dog Club of Wilmington grew close to them and miss them everyday, these two are having the time of their lives! Now they are having the greatest time ever! Trips to the park, celebrity doppelgänger completions, and loving on their new humans, short and small. It's often harder for us to place pairs, so this was especially happy for Zoey and Storm who definitely did not want to be split up!

Thank you to their adoptive parents and to all those who have supported #tarheelweimaranerrescue through fostering, adopting, and donating. If you are interested in learning more about any of these, check out our website at
Many of you remember Buckeye, the young Blue Weim brought to us back in March. Buckeye's owner was being deployed to Japan and found him a new home with a retired military vet. This transition was a bit much for this 1-year-old athlete. Buckeye jumped the 4-foot fence and was hit by a car. He was burned by the car and was in significant pain. The original owner and adopter a vet with Buckeye but decided they needed more help and a second opinion. They turned to Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue. The wonderful vet overseeing his care immediately went to work. The staff at Triad Animal Hospital nurses this guy back to a pain-free and busy lifestyle. We had many applicants to adopt Buckeye and many donations that helped to cover his care.
Buckeye was adopted on May 8 to his brand new home. He now has a mom and dad and an older gray brother. Buckeye gets to go to work with his mom everyday, gets to run with his brother at the horse barn, and gets to take trips on the lake and the beach. This little ball of energy gets to play all day! His new parents report that while he may have started as a Buckeye fan, he now prefers the Gators. 
Buckeye has had a wonderful life of people who have cared for him from the time he was s pup, to his brief stint in an adoptive home, to the time he spent at Triad Animal Hospital, and now in his adoptive home.
Buckeye and all of us at #tarheelweimaranerrescue want to say thank you for all of those who have helped Buckeye and so many other Weims through your donations, your foster homes, and your adoptions.
In honor of the recent Boss's Day, we share with you a letter from Boss and his new family:

When we visited the Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue website, we were still broken hearted over the loss of our 11-year-old Weim, Roxy.
Boss came into our lives full of curiosity and goofiness as he experienced new things. Going for a car ride has become one of his favorite things- he wags his tail the whole time and enjoys the wind in his face. He also loves attention, and we love giving it to him!

This was our first rescue experience and it's been a perfect match for us and for Boss. It was nice bypassing the chew stage and he was completely housebroken. He doesn't even need a crate and he doesn't cruise counters either!

This guy is a fool for a squeaker toy and enjoys spending time in the yard, greeting each person that walks by. Everyone loves Boss and we've received so many compliments about how handsome and well mannered he is. He graduated basic obedience class and we're continuing with the intermediate class.

Boss just celebrated his birthday with neighbors and friends. The chosen birthday, Boss's Day, was given to him by our neighbor's granddaughter who just was really bothered that we didn't know his actual birthday. She scoured the calendar until she found the perfect date!

We have truly fallen in love with this guy and he has brought us so much joy! We love our goofy, sweet, handsome boy, Boss!
See More

The caption next to the cute picture of the Weimar read “BERNIE LOVES CATS!”  That was 8 year old Bernie’s tag line on the Tarheel Weimar Rescue website.  Snag. Reel me in. I was hooked.  I began searching Weimar rescue websites after losing my beloved 12 year old Weimar, Klaus. I adopted Klaus in 2008 from another Weimaraner Rescue Organization so I was familiar with the adoption process. I got my first Weimar in 1994 so to me a house without a Weimar just isn’t a home.

 Since I have two 18 year old cats at home, my next Weimar had to be cat friendly.  With all the adoptable weimars sporting the little cat symbol with the line through it next to their picture, this was not an easy task.   As soon as I read Bernie’s bio, I knew Bernie was the perfect dog for me.  He loved cats and people and was 8 years old (about my age in dog years).  I wondered, would the Tarheel Rescue consider adopting out a North Carolina Weimar to someone in New Jersey?  NEW JERSEY, you know, “the sopranos”, Governor Christie, the “accent”- not exactly in the “plus” column when the application is evaluated. I submitted the application anyway.  I attached a picture of my house and backyard so the Tarheel Placement person could see that my yard didn’t look like the NJ Turnpike.

Lucky me! I was soon contacted via email by my Placement Coordinator for the Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue Organization.  There was a telephone interview and we exchanged several emails about Bernie.  I was so excited at the prospect of adopting Bernie, I anxiously opened every Tarheel email waiting for a formal acceptance.

Finally, everything came together and I started to plan my trip to North Carolina.  Jen, Placement Coordinator, arranged for Bernie to be transported from his foster at a vet’s office in the western part of the state near Asheville, NC to the eastern part of the state- closer for me for the meet and greet.   When the last leg of the transport from Greensboro to Wake Forest fell through, Jen drove the 4 hour round trip so I could get Bernie on the promised date.

On May 8, 2015 I arrived at Joyner Park to pick up Bernie.  For me, it was love at first sight.  I worried about many things like “what if he didn’t like me” or “what if he didn’t get in the car” or “what if he turned into Cujo on the trip back to NJ”?  Thankfully, my fears were unfounded.  Bernie was a great passenger for the 435 mile trip back to NJ driven over two days with one motel stop.

I have had Bernie six weeks now and he has slid into his new life with ease.  He loves my 18 year old cats and they have accepted him.  He likes all the people and dogs we meet each day on our daily morning and evening walks.  Everyone remarks how handsome he is and he loves all the attention.  He has the run of the house, no crate, and is a perfect gentleman.  I couldn’t have asked for a better dog than if I had selected all the best dog traits and ordered him online.  I feel like I won the lottery. 

I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all the dedicated Tarheel volunteers whose service has allowed me to adopt Bernie.  Please know that Bernie has finally found a loving forever home in NJ.

And a special thank you to Jen, who virtually held my hand through the entire pre and post adoption process.  I was touched by her kindness.

I hope our story will encourage others to adopt through your wonderful organization.

Thank you Tarheel Rescue!


Debbie and Bernie 

     We would be happy for any of Miss Tess's life story, and Stanley's, to be shared with others because that's how we were finally brave enough to check into rescuing, after reading the honest but amazing stories that others have generously shared so openly.

     When I first read about Tess and showed Tom the info on the web, he emphatically shook his head and said " no, no, no, no, no!"  Then when we went to meet Tess, Tom was the one who said to Kelly, "lets try it and see"! I was so sure until I met Tess. She didn't look at all like her picture. She didn't look like a Weimaraner to me. How Kelly was able to share her with us, and having such a very generous heart for her dog, and was able to trust us, made us be bigger people than we used to be! I was terrified to call Kelly, but wanting Tess that badly . . . And then it was the best opportunity and rewarding experience to putting all of our hearts at risk, out there in public to say, I want this dog and am willing to be terrified to see if my dream may come true.

     Miss Tess, as I now call her, is living an adventurous life, exploring a little more, sniffing Gracie, the cat, who is happy at her slow calm approach after Stanley's sudden surprise mad dashes at her! Gracie has learned not to ever run away from Stanley because he is oh so happy to give chase. For now refilled the prozac for three more months, and hopefully will not need it after that. Still episodes of stiff, stoic unresponsive mask like retreating into her past memories? That’s why I'm giving her prozac awhile longer.  That and dog door issues slowly resolving.

     I can hardly wait to come home from work to see her. She dances back and forth on her front feet, body trembling with excitemen     Wet. Even with Tom now, when he comes home, is treated to a display of paws up on the front porch begging for attention. I've seen her literally jump all four paws up off of the ground with pure excitement because I came outside to walk with her and Stanley on our trail around the yard, which is her favorite place to be. Amazing to see Stanley and Tess, throwing a glance over their shoulder to make sure the other one heard that sound only dogs hear, and coming on that mad dash up the trail to where they love to reconnoiter on their favorite spot in the woods.

     It is so crazy how fearless Stanley has become, how Tessa's fears drag the best out of him, how he has changed, with the addition of her stoic, strong, stubborn, delightful personality. We see the best and the worst at times, the jealousy but then the times of such generosity and sharing and even bone exchange events! Unbelievable, unless you have seen it.

Stanley's level of obedience has become almost immaculate and beautiful somehow for Miss Tess. He will sit, stay, and let her go out the door before him, "girls first", you know!

     Went for a walk in the woods  this weekend. It was like I have always known Tess and walked with her. Better then I could have imagined. The way she got her sniffing in without making me wait too long and followed me, almost careful, and being thoughtful of what I needed too, sharing herself with me. I truly needed her, and I feel she needed me.

Right now, as I set and type on the couch, little pups sleeping on my lap, Miss Tess snugged up at my side, and Stanley bear chewing his bone! What a Life!

     Miss Tess just purred to me! A little piece of heaven. I call her my rain man dog. Want to keep her the same except for the part of setting her free to enjoy her life better. Can't wait to see her go off flying in and out of the pet door like Stanley, little pup and Gracie do. Only when she is ready! We only have the rest of our life and so thankful for this exact moment in time.

     With all of our family's gratitude, to the caring generous Tarheel Weimaraner Club! And so thankful to Andrea who saw Tess in 2012 in a dog shelter and saved her a little bit for all of us.


Tom, Mel, Stanley, Miss Tess, "little pup" and Gracie



To My Foster Mom, Dyana:

Today marks the one year anniversary in my forever home.  Tonight as I curl up in my special spot on the couch next to my Dad, with my sister on the other side and my Mom in her chair next to us, I think how good life is.  It is so wonderful to be loved, accepted, and encouraged to be the best Weim I can be.

When I wrote my Dad a card today to thank him and tell him this has been the best year of my life; and I thought of you and wanted to thank you for caring for me and helping me to find my forever home. You are a special angel and I am thankful I was under your wings.

My sister and I have the most incredible dog sitter, Tracey, who is a rescue mom to abandoned dogs.  She is so loving, and she spends three hours each day with us. She plays games, takes us for long walks in the field, plays with our toys, and we run up and down the stairs. Sometimes I think she is supposed to wear us down before our Mom and Dad get home; but that is OK because nothing is like welcoming them home.  They are always so glad to see me!   Since my Mom and Dad work 4 days a week, we always have a long weekend.  My Dad takes me for rides in the big red truck (the one he came to get me in) and we have special adventures.

They show me every day that they believe in me and love me.

I hope you will continue to love my fellow Weims and care for them as you did for me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Forever Grateful,




First, I must admit that my husband and I love Weimaraners.  We have had them since the second week of our marriage 15 years ago.   So, in the fall of 2013, we sent foster papers to the Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue to help any Weimaraner in need of a home.


We were thrilled to receive a call in early December of a Weim in need.   Her name was Jessee and she was a 9 year-old blue female.   Her story was heartbreaking because her family had to give her up through no fault of her own.   We were told that she was very loving, well trained, and a little overweight.  Her only fault was that she is a counter-surfer in the kitchen.  


We picked up Jessee from a TWR volunteer.   Jessee immediately jumped into the backseat of our car, leaned forward into the front seat and promptly started kissing my face with a few sweet slow licks as if to thank us for taking her.   She then sat straight up, in perfect posture, all of the way home, as if she were a human taking in the scenery.   My husband and I looked at each other and knew immediately that we could not give this dog up.  This sweet dog would have a permanent home with us.


She quickly acclimated to our home and our 4 year-old male Weim named Boomer.  The dogs ignored each other at little at first, but over the course of a few weeks, Jessee and Boomer were sharing bones and toys.   Now, they love going on their early morning walks on the nature trails together and taking rides in the car.


Jessee lived up to her reputation as a counter surfer quickly.  In her first week at our home, we left a loaf of bread on the kitchen countertop.  Within 10 minutes, all that was left was the intact plastic bag, lying on the floor.  We laughed so much because the bag looked as if had delicately fallen to the floor from the wind, not like a pet had eaten from it.  After that, we learned to keep all food off the countertops and to put the kitchen trashcan in the pantry if we leave home.


Our vet recommended a new dog food and diet for Jessee, so before long, her weight had dropped into the normal range.   As reported by the TWR, she had been well trained.  She loves outside activities, especially playing Frisbee and chasing squirrels over our backyard fence.  She loves to jump and it is incredible how high she jumps when playing Frisbee.


Jessee was extremely needy of affection at first.   She would not relax unless someone was petting her.  She would go back and forth between my husband and myself constantly.  It took just a couple of weeks until she seemed less stressed and this neediness to be petted only arises an after dinner, while we watch television.   Now, after her morning walk, she spends the entire day with my husband in his home office.  She dozes quietly in a big oversized chair as the sunlight warms her.   Boomer now spends his entire day with me relaxing and the whole family is together after 5pm. 


We had a pet photographer take some photos of our dogs a couple of weeks ago and we would like to share Jessee’s photos with you. The photographer captured Jessee in action as she played Frisbee.   We have attached the photos to this article.


Finally, we must commend everyone at TWC involved with Jessee’s case.  We believe that their quick intervention has saved the life of one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met.  TWR’s compassion and ongoing contact has been exemplary.  We also hope that Jessee’s story helps others decide to become foster parents.


Dave and Betty


Dear Tarheel Rescue:

     I asked my new MOM to write you this note cause I wanted to be sure you knew I was doing just terrific!  It has been 3 weeks now since I left Peggy my beloved Foster MOM and began my new life in what my new MOM says is my forever home….I like it here!  I have a big yard to play in, lots of toys and blankets to keep me warm and really good food.  My new parents love on me all the time and tell me “ sophie is a good girl” about a million times a day……go figure…..

     In the mornings we get to go to the field and run and play…...I am learning to sit and stay ( not fond of that stay part ) but I get it.  I also get to go to the beach on the weekends……there is really strange stuff there…….crabs and fish and shells….and the waves…not sure why they keep disappearing when I get close……..  I am a lucky girl and I just wanted to say thanks to all of you at Tarheel who took me in and then found me MY forever family.  Lucky again……I know there are other weims out there that need help so would you please keep doing all that great work?

     My Mom says you are all very special people…and she is so grateful because she says I rescued her…….I think, when we have our morning love up’s she means we were meant to be together…….thank you for making THAT happen!!!!

     Just wanted you to know I am a grateful and very happy girl ….please give licks for me to all those waiting for a new home…tell them their day is coming…..and it is worth the wait!

                                Love, kisses, licks and abundant tail wags




After losing our beloved 11.5 year old weimaraner Dixie Belle to cancer on April 29, 2011 I wasn't sure how soon I would want another weim. I was devasted. As a family we decided that we wouldn't even talk about it until after summer....after all the hours at the pool and the beach trips. Then we received a couple of post cards from TWR....friends had made donations to TWR in sweet Dixie's name. I cried and cried some more. Our house was too quiet, our beds too roomy. A friend told me "don't miss out on new love and all the kisses because you are mourning, that's cheating you out of love and a dog out of an awesome home."  So I called TWR to get a little information, just basic curiousity.

Was a rescue the way to go? Were we ready? What does the donation money help with?

Well, I got Dyana on the phone. I told her our situation and she immediately went to work....gears were turning for placing a dog in our home. Turns out she knew us better than we knew ourselves. Seems she was fostering a young girl that sounded perfect for us. We met Bonnie Blue (formerly known as Ella Mae) on our way to vacation....she was shy and didn't really seem to be into meeting us but I still fell in love with her. I trusted she would love us and come out of her shell. We went through Wilmington on the way back to Charlotte to take our new baby home. She was a year old. It seems she overcame her shyness in about 15 minutes. As soon as she walked in the house she jumped on the leather couch and took her spot. It had been Dixie's end of the couch. How did she know? She was meant to be our dog. Our paths were meant to cross!! I cannot imagine our lives without this crazy blue girl!!! She is wild and loving and ALL weimaraner. She is constantly stalking, watching, flushing.....the backyard birds and bunnies are a constant source of amusement for her. Our 6 year old daughter, Mary Grace, loves Bonnieto pieces (as we all do). Bonnie also adores her "sissy". She is my 5th weimaraner. I can't imagine being without one, ever. I am so thankful for Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue and everyone who volunteers to find forever homes for these precious dogs....dogs who have NO idea they ARE dogs. Experiencing first hand their commitment and love for this breed has inspired me to volunteer with TWR. I want to help these magnificent dogs get matched with families who will love them as much as we love our Bonnie Blue.

Thank you Dyana, Kathy and everyone at TWR. We wouldn't be a complete family without y'all!!!



A last minute decision on April 30, 2011 brought our little girl Ellie to us. We were going to look into adopting another Weim through TWR but decided two days before that Star,” Ellie’s first name, would be a good fit for us in the apartment since she was small.

From the first moment we saw her, we fell in love with her “Pocket Weim” size. Within 10 minutes she was laying across us on the couch and cuddling. She hasn’t moved since! We decided that “Ellie” was the name that fit her best with the nickname "Ellie Bean." Ellie gave us a scare in the beginning with her heart but it turns out it just has its own little beat and works for her just fine.

Cuddling is her favorite thing to do. Her entire body must be touching you or she isn’t comfy. Just the sweetest personality you have ever seen. She is a little diva as she loves to dress up in winter sweaters, demands for treats before she eats, sighs loudly when she doesn’t get her way, and will ONLY sleep on pillows or blankets. “Fetch” consists of you throwing the ball 50 yards, Ellie running after it, then leaves it for you to go get. 
She’s pretty calm throughout the day until its play time, and only she will decide when that is. Dumps ALL of her toys out and strings them around the house, runs up and down the stairs 5 times in a row, and leaps on and off the bed. Behind the ear rubs are her favorite…she moans like a cow when you hit the spot.
Ellie gets along well with the boys and is currently seeing my sister’s Golden Retriever named Harley…they’ve been dating for about a year. She’s learned a few tricks and we are teaching her some more. She loves car rides and is at the door with the first jingle of keys.   


We just celebrated her 2nd birthday and could not be more exited! She is a happy and healthy girl that gets spoiled completely ROTTEN! She is an absolute joy in our lives and Amanda and I could not imagine life without her. Thank you so much TWR!


Jordan & Amanda



Ivey has settled into her new home and is doing fantastic. Kelly and I can't believe just how sweet and loving Ivey is. We can't believe no one wanted to adopt her in two years. We feel so lucky and blessed that we got he opportunity to give her a loving home. She is the perfect dog and brings us happiness everyday. She is so good and well behaved that she has the full run of the house when we aren't at home. She just lays around and sleeps or plays with her squeaky toys.  She loves her squeaky toys!! Especially, her orange football. She
also loves to play fetch. She gets so excited to play. Now that Spring and warm weather are here, we have taken her to our downtown area for walks around the river. She has even sat with us while we had lunch outside. She hasn't been scared or even minded all the other dogs around.  In fact, she has made a new friend in the neighborhood. A handsome Rhodesian Ridgeback named Ryder. She wants to play every time she sees him. She has met all our friends and family and she loves our neighbor Donna who takes Ivey for her lunchtime walk during the week.

We love Ivey to death and we want to thank you and The Dog Club of Wilmington for taking such good care of her over the years.


Thanks again

Jeff, Kelly and Ivey



We owe a lot of thanks to Tarheel Weiminarner Rescue. Within a month and a half our family lost two very important members that had been part of our family for more than a decade.  We lost our Shepherd to Megaesphagus, and only a month and a half later we had to say good-bye to Kitiara our Weim.  Our family was truly heartbroken, and my boys had never experienced a home without a dog, it just felt so empty.  When I received the call from Suzan about Max our family could not wait to go meet him.  At first, I didn't know if I could hold back the tears when I met Max, fearful of all the sadness I was feeling from losing Simba and Kitiara so recently. 


From the moment I met Max I knew we needed him as much as he needed a family to call his own.  He immediately warmed up to my boys and they were all rolling around playing on the ground together.  I knew it was meant to be.  When we went to leave Max's foster home, he jumped right in and sat right next to one of my son's and they have been buddies ever since.  The bond my son's have with Max is incredible.  The boys will fight over who's room Max sleeps in at night, two the point they will sleep together so the both are with Max.  Even when my two year old refuses to take his daily nap unless Max is in the room with him. 


Max is a very special dog, and we have even learned how smart he is.  A few weeks ago I stepped out into the garage for just a moment and to my surprise my 2-year-old son locked the door with ONLY him and Max inside.  With no other way in, we attempted to try to coach our son how to unlock the deadbolt.  We asked him to slide over one of the kitchen chairs so he could climb up and unlock it easier.  My son was having a difficult time understanding that he needed to move the rug in order to be able to slide the chair up to climb up and reach the dead bolt more easily.  After we continued to repeat to my son that he need to move the rug, Max began digging and pulling at the rug moving it from in front of the door.  He pulled it all the way back with his paws and mouth while we watched thru the window and were amazed. Once Max had moved the rug my son then pushed up the chair, climbed up and unlocked the door.  I think many times pets are smarter than what they may be given credit. 


We don't know much about his background, except that Tarheel Weiminarner Rescue, rescued him and his sister from a kill shelter.  When the rescue got him he was significantly under weight.  But now Max is a very health flourishing beautiful boy, and we feel very lucky to have him.  I truly believe that rescues are the best!!  Max is a very loved member of our family and brings smiles to our faces every day.  Thank you TWR for connecting us to such an amazing boy!


Rowan has been part of our family for over a month now, but it feels like its been forever since we drove to North Carolina from Maryland to pick her up.  From the moment we got to her foster home she knew we were there for her.  It took her a very short time to make her self right at home.  She is a happy girl here, with lots of playtime.  She really enjoys the water.  She loves getting really muddy, playing in the water catching minnows, and going crabbing out on the boat with us.  She loves sticks, and she loves fishing sticks out of the water.  She doesn’t understand why her kitty cat won’t play rough with her, but the cat will let Rowan giver her kisses.  She absolutely loves the neighbor’s dog, Homer, and playing catch together, although, her idea of catch with Homer is … Home getting the ball and Rowan chewing on the side of his face while running along next to him bringing the ball back. 


They love to roll around on the floor and play inside the house.  She gets along with every dog she meets.  She is very well behaved, and we have not had to even set up the crate we have.  She sleeps on the bed at night, and even has her favorite chair, although she has to share that chair with her dad, but the couch comes second best.  She loves her family and is always right by our sides.  Her favorite toy is a stuffed blue doggie, which she loves to throw over her back and she tries and catch it when it comes down the other side, it’s the funniest thing to watch.  She absolutely LOVES the Frisbee, and within the past few days she has gotten really good at taking a flying leap in the air and catching it in the air, this is also funny to watch.  With her ears in the air, it really does look like she’s flying for a brief moment.  She loves when all attention is on her and she loves her belly rubs. 


Rowan is a sweetie and we are so happy that she has joined our family, and I know she is too.  We love her so much, and we are very excited to take her camping with us in the next few weeks. 

Mr. Darcy

When I wrote Mr. Darcy’s initial success story for this web site, I did not yet know what lay in store for us. The same year, 2009, we found that he had been born with a birth defect which - while very rare - is sometimes found in Weimaraners: he had a hole in the diaphragm, and his liver, pancreas and part of his small intestines had found some home where they should not have been. He had surgery in August, and, for month after that, it was touch and go. I was not always sure whether he would make it. My friends from the Weim rescue got constant updates and were on edge with me.


Well, look at him now! If this is not every inch a Mr. Darcy! He does not always look that distinguished; in fact, he spends most of his days with all four paws up in the air in hopes of a belly rub. He is still extremely busy all day long helping me train my clients (I am a personal trainer); – at times, he has been know to sit on them. I have to give credit for this picture to Diane Lewis who is an animal photographer.


Hello Rosi, Just wanted to let you know we are so enjoying Gigi. She is a good girl and so loved! She has been keeping the neighborhood nuisance geese in check and loves to chase them! She has succeeded in keeping them from hanging out in the yard pooping all over the place. 


Gigi also loves going to the beach with us. She has yet to try getting in the ocean but she loves running and playing on the beach. She chases seagulls and smells everything!! She is just such a happy dog, which of course she shows with her happy smile! She loves a golf car ride and just hanging out with Oscar the dachshund in front of the RV. She never rushes people walking by with other dogs. She really has fit in well with our family. 


Gigi does not like storms, but she has found the silver lining in the storm cloud that our son doesn't care for storms either so she happily comforts him in the safety of a human bed...because after all...Weimaraners are much safer in a human bed during a storm or fireworks!


We have had so much fun with Gigi. For being a dog who I have to assume was used for reproductive services mainly and not treated the best... she really lives in the moment and chooses to be a happy girl! She loves to please her people and she loves life.


Thank you to all of Tarheel Weimaraner for taking her in and getting her spayed and the heartworm treated and finding Monica to foster her! Hope all is well! 

The Schwebach family


Good evening to all - we are just getting home from Greensboro and another appointment for Gage. IT WAS A VERY GOOD APPOINTMENT!!! Dr. Single said that Gage was doing wonderful and that his numbers were GREAT!!!! Dr. Single said she is very pleased with Gage's pr ogress and has dropped the eye drops down to one a day for the next 2 weeks and then only as needed (if his eye's get really red or seem to be really dry). She also said she doesn't need to see him again until September. She said that this is how she likes to see her patients - "looking like they never had an issue" - and she says Gage is doing wonderful, better than expected. This was really great to hear and I was very relieved to hear that we appear to be doing everything right.


We also have had Gage weighed and he is down from 105 to 97 pounds. So the Natural Food we are feeding him and the walks we are taking 3 times a day and the tennis ball fetches seem to be working. We have dropped his insulin down to 25 and his blood sugar is staying around 100. So we will continue to work with Gage and see if we can get him to loose a little bit more weight and then we'll see where we are with his insulin doses. He takes his shots like a champ, every morning and every night, and seems to be dealing with his diabetes like any human would. The biggest thing that we have found is, as Megan said, you must keep Gage on a strict schedule - every 12 hours on the dot he must eat and must get his shot and we are vigilant to make sure we don't waiver from his schedule. Even with the long lasting insulin that he receives we see that his sugar levels will change rather quickly in that 11th hour now that we are testing his blood to gage the amount to drop his insulin down to, now that he is getting close to loosing 10 pounds.  


Gage is doing wonderful and has settled in quite well. He is playful, has lots of friends in the cul-d-sac, he is very obedient and very eager to please. He loves the cats and he chases them and they chase him. He and Sadie (our cocker spaniel) are best buds and do everything together. His mask has finally filled in for the most part but still has the patch on his back where the hair hasn't grown back yet. We've taken a few pictures of him and I have attached them so that you can see that beautiful face and see that he is healing quite well. We absolutely love Gage and are so happy to be helping him get healthier and healthier by the day. I will update you guys again soon and send more pictures as well. Hope all is going well at the Rescue and that you are finding homes for all those wonderful babies that you are taking in - take care, Shea


Tonka loves the beach. He fights sleep if we're awake. Will wait up to a day and a half to use the bathroom if it’s stormy outside. Has already gone through 7 balls. Prefers to sleep on a down filled comforter instead of his bed. Will try to eat anything that's inside a plastic bag. Hates hard toys. He loves coffee and he will steal a full mug of coffee if he thinks you're not looking which we found that out the hard way. He knows how to sit, lay down, stay, come, speak, jump up, go to bed, put all four paws on something, and is learning how to whisper, fetch, and shake. And he's also potty trained!!! He doesn't like the neighborhood dogs and he gets jealous if he sees us interacting with another dog. He gets groomed monthly and brushed in between. He even lets the groomer use the nail grinder on all four paws! He's so sweet and we love having him! 


Zoey is the "original" Weimaraner in our home and was adopted from TWR in 2002. January 1st was her 10th birthday! She loves to spend endless time in "her" woods on our property, digging up roots, flushing out birds, attempting to tear down trees and just lounging in the sun. If there's an epitome of a Weimaraner, it's Zoey.  She swats you with her giant paws for attention, hogs the sofa and any piece of furniture for that matter in the house, loves to go hiking and rock climbing, steals all the covers off the bed, hates getting a bath but loves to swim in the lake, snores like a bear, has been deemed the "Cheese Monster," gets spooked by the tiniest of creatures, and at the end of the day, she just loves to be cuddled like the big baby she is. Zoey is truly a special girl who endured a rough journey before ending up in her forever home. She is very protective of her family, and I mean very, so we weren't too sure about a dding a new Weim to our household.  However, in May 2010, after visiting the TWR website, we knew we had to spring into action. 

 Little 9 week-old Molly, who was originally named Zoey (which we took as a sign!), was listed on the site in conjunction with Canine Connections of Sanford, NC. After a face-to-face visit with the original Zoey, lots of prayers, and crossed fingers, we decided to bring Molly home. Needless to say, she made her way into our hearts very quickly; it took some time, though, for her big sister to warm up to her. We're blessed to say, whew!, that nearly eight-months later, Molly Bear and Zoey are quite content to share their home! They play tug-of-war, go on adventures in Zoey's woods, take long hikes with Mom and Dad, and even squeeze in a few naps on the bed (as seen in their picture). We're not 100% sure of Molly Bear's mix, we've been told everything from Black Lab to Husky/Basenji, but one thing we do know is that she's definitely a Weimar aner!  She's learning from one of the best, so whatever her mix may be, she'll carry those Weim-traits with pride--especially hogging the furniture! 

We will forever be indebted to the love and protection that both the Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue and Canine Connections afforded our sweet girls! If we could give one piece of advice to those considering a rescue dog, "Do it!" And if you're unable to take a rescue, please consider donating and or volunteering. Rescues are the best breed and for as long as we're around, there will always be a place (or two!) for a rescue dog in our home! Believe us, when you look in their eyes, there's a never-ending sense of appreciation when they know they've found their forever home.


With warmest gratitude and big sloppy kisses,

Rick, Erin, Zoey, and Molly Harbaugh

China Grove, North Carolina



We can not believe it’s been 7 months since Edgar (a.k.a. Eddie, Toots) came into our lives. After losing our favorite guy and Weim Jackson to bloat at only 8 yrs old we knew we had to get another to fill the void. Our house was not, and never will be a home, without a Weimarner.

When we filled out our TWR application they recommended that we check out Edgar as he seemed a perfect match for our family. I’ll admit I felt awfully sad pulling him away from Dyana and his Weim buddies at the Dog Club of Wilmington. It is evident through his personality and character that he had a great life there. Thank you Dog Club of Wilmington for taking such good care of Eddie, until we could find him.


We knew going into the adoption that Edgar had had a rough road. We were concerned about his previous health issues, and that he had already been returned by a family before, but we wanted to give him a second chance. Boy are we so happy we did!

Edgar is by far the most loveable dog we have ever met. He is always looking for affection and prefers to just sit right on you if he feels he’s not getting enough.

He’s super low maintenance and just goes with the flow, content to lie in the sun, and relax whenever we need him to. The door to his crate is always left open and he goes in there on his own all the time. He came to us trained to scratch at the door when he has to go out. Of course he’s smart, as all Weims are, and now picks and chooses his doors. Front door scratches mean he wants his walk, not just a quick pee! He is so sweet, and is happy to see everyone and anyone. His true spirit comes out when he get the chances to run with us off leash through the woods. He loves chasing squirrels and deer but is always looking back for us.


He’s stubborn as a mule, in the car he demands the passenger seat. He would actually prefer to sit in the driver’s seat with me if I let him, but he is not riding in the back! He can often be found with his head in the toilet even when he has his own water. He’s a master counter surfer, no food is ever safe unattended, but his favorite feast of all is outside, frogs! He hunts them down any chance he can.


His best friends are his two little girls Sophia and Logann our 5 and 6 yr olds daughters. He plays dress up with them, snuggles with them on the couch and wags his tail like a mad man when they get off the bus.


Edgar had big “paws” to fill as our second Weim but he has done it with flying colors. We love him (and his quirky ways) to pieces, and feel so fortunate that we thought to consider a rescue. I know he will be the first of many rescues for us. 

Thank you TWR we have truly been blessed with this one.

Christa Hook


Her name is Jessie.  We met in Charlotte way back in July of last year ('09) - she was being fostered in a doggie day care center there and I drove from Zebulon to go see her.  I was still aching from the loss in April of our beloved rescued Weimaraner (from Michigan), Reilly, who was mentioned under "Sam's" success story.  I just didn't know if I could adopt so soon after losing my best boy- there was a big hole in my heart.  But there she was - kind of thin and mousey gray, coat much too soft, nervous, skittish, mistrustful, barked at the delivery man while I was there.  I could have written her "past" right then and there - abused - (especially by men it seemed), kept outside in a kennel or chained and crated as a punishment, improperly fed (if at all at times...) and not housebroken.  So of course I had to have her - filled out the adoption papers minutes later.  I knew she was mine and Sam's (my other rescue from Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue).  For this past year she has had a slow transformation - her issues ran deep - especially with the "bad men" thing.  But she is healing - we have given her love and guidance and a forever home.  She plays unendingly with our boy Sam, which is a blessing (Sam has boundless energy!), she used to bark at my husband each time he walked into the room; now she wags her tail and sits beside the arm of his chair; she's a total lady in the house and thorougly housebroken, comes when called and loves the grandkids.  She still finds the cats strangely fascinating, but we can deal with that...after all, she is ours for keeps and we will love her forever.  

Thank you, Tarheel Weim Rescue - for all you do, for what you stand for, and for Our Jessie. 

Don and Judy Hadley

P.S.  That's Sam in the front - 100 pounds of total Weim!

Harvey & Stuart


These are our four beautiful children; Julia, Aidan, Harvey & Stuart. Harvey and Stuart were welcomed into our home on April 10th, 2010. They are our 2nd and 3rd Weimaraners and our first rescue dogs. These loveable siblings have completed our home and compliment our family so well! Dyana at Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue went above and beyond to assist us in adopting the boys for which we are so very grateful! The transition has been seamless in every way. The boys have adapted very well to our home and environment as well as to our 7 and 11 year old children. They are so well mannered that we were surprised to hear that our home is their first true home. Harvey & Stuart were completely housetrained and socialized when they joined our family which made the adjustment period VERY easy! AND, they’ve yet to be caught with a shoe in their mouth because they are way smarter than that….they went for the steak instead! The boys love their brother and sister so much that each and every day their tails wag and they bark like crazy when they hear the school bus pull up in front of our home in anticipation of the kid’s arrivals. And at night when we settle down to relax for the evening in the living room, the boys are right there with us arguing over the dog bed knowing full well they both fit on it! We wouldn’t believe it if we hadn’t seen it with our own eyes, but they both like to ‘fluff’ the oversized pillow before laying down on it. They are such characters and we love them to pieces. It really leaves me in awe that these two dogs could have been given up on, when they had so much life and love left in them. We’re elated that they are sharing both with us! 

Thank you TWR for doing what you do!



I have had two Weimaraners: one I raised from a puppy & the other I adopted when she was 7 years old. Max, my first, was 6 weeks old when I got him back in 1982; he was a great dog, smart, fun and full of life. He lived for fifteen years. A couple years later I adopted Kacey because her owners could no longer keep her…she was a wonderful and loving dog. I had to put her down last July because she had just gotten old and there was nothing left to do. I started thinking about a puppy earlier this year and had looked at the Rush kennels when the news report came out about them being a puppy mill and the cruelty issues. Then I started thinking about adopting a rescue dog. I went to the Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue website and fell in love with Blue. I started the adoption process that week and the folks TWR were great to work with. Blue is adjusting well in his new home, where he is getting lots of love. He has already shown us how smart he is by unlocking his crate and waiting on us to come home from dinner while lying on the sofa. He has also taken over my recliner and thinks he is King of the Castle. The only problem he has is he does not want to be left alone and we are working on that. I could not ask for a better companion. My girlfriend along with all my friends and family are spoiling him rotten as well. 

Thank you TWR, Dyana and Kathi for allowing me to adopt Blue. He is one of a kind. 




My husband and I love Weimaraners for many reasons including their playfulness, their willingness to please, and their unparalleled beauty. For our active family, an adult dog was the only choice. So, we contacted Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue as well as a couple of other rescue organizations in the quad-state area, but at the time, there seemed to be a shortage of available female rescues for adoption. We stumbled upon a female Weim held at a high-kill shelter in Western North Carolina, and we called the shelter and were horrified that this little girl had about one day left ‘til euthanasia. Since we live in South Carolina’s Lowcountry we needed a quick solution. Tarheel Weim Rescue worked with Cashiers Humane Society to quickly get this girl out of harm’s way. We adopted her, and we couldn’t be happier. She is a 3-4 year old with a sweet disposition, a cute, playful nature, and a tail that only stops wagging when she's sleeping. She loves children and adults alike, and she has become fast friends with our German Shepard dog, Jude. Unlike Jude, she’s a great “early warning system” as she alerts us whenever someone is approaching the door, yet she is always gracious with service people and other strangers after we welcome them in. We are so grateful to the folks at Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue and Cashiers Humane Society for all the work they did to bring Lola to us. To think that Lola was almost euthanized is incomprehensible. I can’t imagine that we’ll ever own another breed or get a Weim from any other source than a rescue organization. It’s the best way we can think of to support the breed we love so much. 

Adam and Lisa



Eddie is our 4th weimaraner. We fell hard in love with the weimaraner breed over 20 years ago. They are so beautiful, energetic, youthful, active, sweet, loyal, fun, and smart. Eddie fits the mold. Our first dog Winston was from puppy. Our next two dogs, Remi and Durango, were adopted from wonderful owners who had greatly loved and cared for their dogs. We still keep in touch with the owners! Eddie is our first true rescue dog. It was a bit scary not knowing anything about his background except that he was found in a crate in a barn. We were very concerned about his health at first, especially after losing Durango so suddenly on Easter day. But Eddie has since gained 10 pounds, has a beautiful shiny coat and is extremely energetic and playful. December 7th will be Eddie’s 2nd birthday. I brought him home on June 7th and was told that he was around 1 ½ years old. So we declared Eddie’s birthday to be the same day as my husband’s birthday! We are very grateful for Eddie. We feel that God brought Eddie into our lives because Durango was taken so quickly from us. It was almost like Durango had to pass on in order to rescue Eddie. We feel so blessed to have Eddie and so does Eddie. He loves our walks, long hikes, picnics and doggy park adventures. We were so proud of him when he graduated from Companion Dog Training School. There is one thing different about Eddie. He does very creative things like bopping the automatic feeder hard enough to get all of the food out. We even found the feeder turned completely upside down! I have tried 2 different ways to mount the feeder to the wall but Eddie has outsmarted me both times. So, when rescuing a Weimararner, one has to ask yourself “Are you smarter than a Weimaraner?” When my husband calls me up at work, I say “Oh no, what has Eddie done now?” And he will reply “Eddie has outsmarted you again.” Then I have to confess by saying “I may be a quality manager but I am not smarter than a Weimaraner!” 

Thank you Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue for finding our Eddie. He is a great dog. He is our “wonder dog”. 

June and Jim

His name is Danny Boy


When he first came to us Danny Boy wouldn’t even go outside by himself. We had to stay outside with him. He loved to mouth and chew and jump up on people. Gradually he improved his behavior. Not that he’s perfect, but he now chews on his toys and rarely puts his teeth on us. After living with Danny Boy for about ten months, we took him to The Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue Fun Day - where the principal activity was a fun hunt. Danny Boy impatiently waited his turn to search the field for quail. When he finally got out there, he proved to be an amazingly talented hunter. He found a quail, pointed and waited without moving a muscle while my husband flushed the bird. The quail flew off into the woods. Danny followed and soon returned with the live bird held gently in his mouth. He dropped it at my husband’s feet! This hunting skill proved to be genuine when we came to a training day two weeks later. Danny Boy found and pointed at least four quail each time he went out. He just seemed to know exactly what to do without ever having hunted at all! His latest accomplishment, three weeks after his first introduction to hunting, is to have earned his first two legs toward a Junior Hunter ranking. Danny Boy has definitely found his calling. He found and pointed six quail his first day and earned the highest score of all the Junior Hunter dogs. We are so proud of him, but most of all he has become a wonderful addition to our family. We are truly thankful to our friends, Charlene and Don, who fostered him and talked us into taking a look at him. It was love at first sight because he is beautiful. It has been great to see Danny Boy make big improvements in almost everything. And he is only nineteen months old!


Ms Lucy (FKA Lily) & Her Brother, Gilbert


We got Gilbert (Lee), a blue eyed grey/tan male Weim, in the spring of 2008 as a puppy. He was going to be my therapy animal as I re-habbed from some physical problems. About 11 months ago the over exuberant puppy caused me to fall and break my back. To make matters worse shortly thereafter Gilbert charged a motorcycle – knocking the Marine off the bike, knocking the bike over and ripping his own right front brachial plexus nerve out by the root. Months of therapy and prayer did not solve the problem and Gilbert finally lost his right front leg. The good news is Gilbert doesn’t seem to know any better & seems just as strong and fast now as then at 85 pounds. His high energy helped us decide to adopt a rescue Weim, Lily. We now call her Ms Lucy or Lucille – as in”… Lucy you’ve got some splain’ to do…” Lucy is a permanent addition and it was a quick adjustment for her and Gilbert. Gilbert is the Alpha dog but Ms Lucy stands her ground. They love to run together, cuddle together and sleep together.  My wife sometimes calls them “Aid and Abet.” It seems that Lucy is the brains of the operation (being the older more experienced woman) and poor Gilbert is simply used for his brawn in their escapades. The two of them have so far unrolled an empty dog food bag – filleted it and licked it clean of every crumb with nary a scrap of paper of mess. Additional “crimes:” opening garbage sacks, learning how to lock the bedroom door, learning how to open the bedroom door with the handle lever, two Weim noses wedging open the slider, chasing, catching and partially eating Geckos (great fun), counter surfing and getting at the whole doggie treat container, snatching one of my prized muffins and the latest, opening and partially eating the “friendship bread” starter mix. We are not sure what will come next but we love them dearly. They make us laugh. The graceful, almost shy Lucy and the boisterous young Gilbert are quite a loving pair, who would just as soon cuddle with you (we don’t need heating pads or electric blankets) as run after squirrels.

John and Ms. Betty



After moving to North Carolina from Michigan in 2005, my husband and I adopted 8-week old Busa and fell in love immediately! A few years later, after fencing in our yard, we decided she needed a playmate. However, the first Weim we brought home on a trial run attacked Busa. Even though we felt strongly about adopting a rescue, we decided maybe a puppy would be the way to go. I happened to be browsing Pet Finder one Friday in May, and saw Cinder’s picture. I thought she was so precious with her pink collar and I inquired about her and filled out the adoption application. Her foster mom called me the very next day and we spoke for quite a while about Cinder.  She invited us out to visit to bring Busa to see if the two were compatible, and they were! We were in love immediately. Cinder was so sweet and playful; full of energy and still very much a puppy at seven months. We came back to get her the next day, and she has settled into our lives perfectly. She and Busa play nonstop and love to snuggle; they are the best of friends. Cinder is well-behaved, walks great on a leash, can sit and shake, and has grown quite a bit since we’ve had her. Her favorite activities include chasing after birds, howling-yes howling-at people walking by and "stealing" our clothes to lay on (she doesn't chew them; we think she likes them because they smell like us). We are so thankful for Cinder in our lives, and for the opportunity to support such an amazing organization that is near and dear to our hearts. 

Thank you!   




Our family feels so blessed to have Gabby in our lives. She is so active and keeps us all motivated. We spent a lot of time boating this summer with the girls and the dogs. I wanted to send you a few pictures of Gabby. She loves swimming! She swims with our daughters, jogs with me, boats with the family, chases balls with my daughter's field hockey team, and loves to snuggle with our chocolate lab, Ajax. He and Gabby are inseparable and I can't imagine our lives without her. Thank you so much for bringing her into our lives. 




We were lucky to rescue Bella a year ago and she has improved greatly during this past year. She has gained weight and is in perfect shape. When she is out she gets a lot of attention. People are taken back by her cute tiny body and her sweetness. Her coat has also improved greatly, she is so soft and beautiful! Many times you will see her with her nails painted pink - a real girly girl. Bella enjoys running on the trail in back of our home and through the field with her new brother (or she may think of him as her son) Twizzler. She has shown off her hunting skills many times by capturing a huge owl and other birds. She loves the doggie bar, doggie park, and K-9 Camp. It's great to see how she has progressed this past year. There came a time when we said that she has finally adopted us! We are so happy and thankful to Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue for finding Bella to be our match! Good luck to everyone searching. 


Dakota Rae 


From the first time we saw Miss Dakota Rae, we fell in love with her. Her personality came through even on the internet!! On our arrival home, Dakota took to her new surroundings like she was meant to be there. We thought she might have some separation anxiety from her original family, but she moved in without seeming to miss a beat. Dakota is a joy to have in our family, and after twenty years since our last dogs, we are very blessed to have her in our lives. We didn't realize the hole in our hearts was so deep, and she will also play a role in helping with rehab for our youngest son who is recovering from a major car accident.

She loves her daily walks and loves meeting other kids. On Saturday mornings we go to Mt. Trashmore and she loves seeing the other doggies, but ESPECIALLY likes meeting the occasional other Weims and Weim owners that show up! We also got to see a dock diving exhibition...we think she'd be a great dock diving dog. We'll find out soon if that is her cup of tea or not. She definitely has the speed for it!!

Thank you TWR for assisting us in finding Dakota. We especially wish to thank her original family...for taking such great care of her and for allowing us to adopt her. She is awesome and behaves like she has always been with us. We couldn't have asked for a better rescue.

Ken and Yvonne



All is well! From March 'til May she's gained over ten pounds, eyes clear, coat shiny, great attitude, and is most loving and lovable!  She was present with every cut and split of fifteen cords of wood, so we'll be warm, and many neighbors too, come winter in the mountains.

Thanks for the notes and mail of support and encouragement. Mischa has her own personality - sock stealer and food consumer par excellence (if you let her.) She loves her home in the mountains and is a great companion and friend!

Blessings to all,

Dick and Mischa



Isn't she beautiful? She's a dog with such sense and good manners and so many endearing idiosyncrasies. When she sits with me and wags her tail, she checks to see what that swishing sound is against the carpet behind her. She's not an especially early riser. Her blanket is the top one on my bed - it's blue. She looks adorable with her big yawn peering out from under her blanket. It's the same blanket she and my little granddaughter sit under while the three of us read books. Cricket climbs up on my bed and wants ahti and "blue covers."

Tahti never rushes a doorway, always waiting until the door is fully opened. She never takes anything off the dinner table or counter, though I did once turn around to find her standing on the counter to look out the window. Her intelligence comes through when she's caught in a mischief. She only needs corrected once, and it only takes a stern word. She's still a puppy and has her moments, but she's an absolute love and a wonderful companion. I am truly blessed to have her and can't thank you enough.




Well, it's been about two years now, and Nellie is truly our daughter. When we adopted her, you met Jasper, our baby boy, who at the time, was only two. Sadly, we had to put him down after he went into acute renal failure. Nellie knew immediately, and took it badly. We figured the best way to honor his memory, and cheer her up, would be to adopt another shepherd. Now, Reilley is a part of our family, and he is really wearing her out. I'll send some pictures of them together, if I can ever get them to slow down!




Things are going great. He is very attached to me...maybe a little too attached :) He really doesn't like it when I leave, tries to hold me in by my clothes. He loves going to the dog park and playing ball, he could do this all day as long as it isn't raining. If it's raining he just wants to get back in the car and go home.

He is great on and off the leash and he listens very well most of the time. When he runs with me he runs so close that I trip over him at least three times. We had a pretty big snow last week and I took him out in it. Once we got to an open area I let him off the leash and he ran back towards the house. He stopped, picked something up and ran back to glove....I had dropped it without knowing! I might sign up for a tracking class with him, I think he would do well. He is funny. As soon as the sun goes down he gets into his chair and is out until morning.


Sam (I-Am)


Here's the latest on our boy, Sam -  full of the devil! When he came to us he was a little squirt - never thought he would be a big boy, but at this young age he weighs in at about 85 pounds - all muscle! He is our irrepressible, smart, mischievous, obedient, loving, smart, energetic, affectionate, did I say SMART? wonderful guy and we adore him! We have an older rescue Weimaraner named Reilly who was diagnosed with prostate cancer the end of last September. He is still with us and thriving under our diligent care. I believe he knows that he must stay around just a little bit longer to teach Sam how to be a good Weimaraner. He is patient and ever the stalwart teacher - and Sam "knows" he must be respectful of him. Watching them in the woods with Sam bounding after Reilly takes your breath away and reminds you of how little time we have with these wonderful animals. They offer us unconditional love and we are in their debt because of it. Sam has not come quietly into our lives - he bounded in full force with wagging tail and open heart. I only hope he knows how much we love him back.

We are so sorry to report that Sam's mentor and friend, Reilly, crossed the Rainbow Bridge on April 2, 2009.  He will be greatly missed.



We have found this dog to be incredible, better than I would have thought coming from a "rescue." We needed a few weeks to get settled into my life style, once that was over, I don't know how I had lived as long as I did without him in my life. We started with short walks, now we are up to 3.2 miles each and every day, rain or snow. Up the side of the mountain, with apple in hand for the two draft horses up the road. He has learned to walk beside me without pulling the lead.

He fetches to my hand anything thrown. He sits at my feet waiting for me to do something, and if I don't do anything but watch TV, he sits and waits until I move and he follows me anywhere and every where. Smo-kee goes with me everywhere, he loves riding in the car. Smo-kee is learning to walk on the treadmill, and is learning to put his toys away when told to. I love this Dog, his unconditional love for me is overwhelming and welcomed... Thank you for doing what you do, I only wish I could save all the rescue dogs.




I have to say that Pierce has lived up to the "Love Bug" nickname. He is such a charismatic and loving boy! He has put on a few pounds and is so strong and happy. When he takes me for our daily walk (he leads me well!), so many people will stop and say what a handsome and well behaved dog he is. He is a great workout plan!! He is in heaven with the children in the neighborhood, and my family just adores him. They make special trips just to see him. He is so intelligent and he learns things so quickly. He can sit for hours chewing on his squirrel or chipmunk toys and be content. He has found a wonderful home and I have found the best four legged pal in the world! Thank you so much to Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue, especially to Suzan and her family, for rescuing my best buddy! He has brought so much joy and love into my life that I don't think I will ever know how to thank you all enough!


Jamie & your Love Bug Pierce

Mr. Darcy


Please meet Mr. Darcy, tall, dark, handsome, and (almost) a perfect gentleman. Just a few weeks ago, January 3, 2009, we picked up Mr. Darcy, then known as Mike, from the Dog Club in Wilmington where he had been fostered and lovingly cared for since August. It took him just a few days to settle in and to realize that this was really 'it'. Since then, we have been watching in amazement how his personality is coming out and shines a cheerful light on all who are in contact with him. He is everything one can ever hope for in a dog and is willing to put up with in a Weimaraner. Smart, gentle, loving, exuberant, funny. He is also inventive when it comes to making things into toys. He has a gift for interior design and has already indicated that some of our pillows really did not fit well and were better removed. He is one of the big boys and has a remarkable reach when getting up on his legs. Since he puts anything into his mouth that will fit there, we had to make certain adjustments, particularly in the kitchen. Wouldn't it be nice to have more space on top of the refrigerator?


We have a personal training business and train our clients at our home studio. Of course, it is important that we lead by example, and we are proud to announce that Mr. Darcy has already learned to balance on a half ball known as Bosu. We are grateful to the Weimaraner Rescue for being there for him when he needed urgent help. We are looking forward to many happy years with Mr. Darcy and can't wait for the first Weim event with the club.


Rufus and Karin with Mr. Darcy



After losing our last Weimaraner to old age, we decided a rescue situation would be ideal for our next one. Smoke, a young male blue Weim, was listed on by the Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue Group. His age was ideal to still be able to obedience train and to settle into a new home, his forever home. He has adjusted well to his new home, including a big brother Doberman. He finished obedience school and did well, although sometimes the stubborn Weim mood prevails! Adopting a Weimaraner is wonderful, but the best part came when he adopted us, and the bond became apparent 3 weeks or so after we brought him home.





Gracie’s really a wonderful dog - a distinct transformation from the shy, but loveable dog she was on the first day we met last July. She's gained a lot of confidence and independence, but we're still very attached to one another. Our trainer recommended that we work toward our Good Canine Citizen Certification. And while we have a bit of work to do, it's a great goal and she makes me so proud. It's almost funny what she'll do for a treat during our training sessions. We're also working on hand signals and a few new verbal commands. Santa treated her very well - she must have been a good dog this year. She was so funny - like a young child, not knowing which toy to play with first and instead plays with them all. She had us laughing hysterically for a good twenty minutes - I was wishing we had video rolling.


She's just the light of my life and always brings a smile to my face. Yesterday was her second birthday and she received special birthday calls from my family and lots of hugs. She had a great birthday dinner and a nice long walk - even a quick trip to PetSmart (which was her first) for a little extra stimulation. We frequent the dog park regularly and it's amazing to watch her body language change - she's just so happy and it's evident in her movements. We'll have a vet appointment in January to x-ray her hips to see how much involvement she should have in my jogging routine, something I think she'd definitely enjoy. She also seems to have quite a good nose - it makes think she would enjoy field work. Thank you for helping Gracie and me find each other. I'm so lucky to have her in my life.





Two weeks after Zeke, our Weimaraner, died at the age of 14, my partner, Brad, despite not wanting to see Weims, found a picture posted by an Asheville pharmacist and dog rescuer who had retrieved "Roman" from the Asheville NC animal shelter that afternoon. Casual emails with her and with Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue indicated that Roman was to be adopted by a couple in South Carolina, but needed someone to house him for the weekend in the Raleigh area on his way south. With both of us still very much in grief, Brad hesitantly asked me if I thought we could handle it? Certainly we could DO IT, but could we emotionally HANDLE IT? My intuition told me that having a 2-year-old in the house--temporarily, of course--might be just what we needed to lighten our spirits, to nudge us out of our grief. What a wonderful, crazy energy Weims add to a house! After discussions marked more by silence than words, we decided to do our good deed. I drove to Greensboro on a Thursday afternoon and picked Roman up. I almost cried when I saw him: he was emaciated and had the skittish demeanor of a dog who has seen too much change. Eager to please, and desperately needing love, he inched his way from the backseat forward into the passenger seat and then, carefully, rested his heavy head on my lap as I drove home to Chapel Hill. Although I wasn't ready to admit it, I suppose I knew at that moment I couldn't let him go. Some special bond formed the moment he looked up at me with those pleading eyes. Later that night, Brad and Roman watched TV on the sofa: I wasn't the only one in love. I also wasn't the only one unable to profess my love.


Because the couple in SC were on vacation, the "weekend housing" turned into a week, then two. In the meantime we went about healing him as best we knew how: took him to a good vet for a check-up, prepared homemade rice and chicken food for his sensitive stomach, gave him plenty of exercise to toughen up his baby-soft pads. Our GSP, Zoe, took to him quickly, his playing the pawn to her queen (their relationship is still so and they get along famously). The second weekend we took him to the beach: Roman was still destined for SC, though. Brad was adamant he couldn't handle the commitment so soon after Zeke's death. Not to mention that neither of us even knew if keeping him--short of kidnapping!--was even an option. But Roman continued to work his emotional magic, and Brad, conflicted, gave me the go-ahead: "I can't tell you no if this is what you really want to do." It was. I called Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue and they agreed.

Two years later, Roman--renamed JoJo for a reason neither of us remembers--couldn't be happier. He roams our two-acre wooded lot like the Weim he is, hunting, finding cool places to nap, protects us with his barked warnings. He loves the outdoors, but, as with every weim I've ever known, is also quite content to spend hours on the couch with his owners and a squeaky toy or bone. Wherever we are is where he wants to be. After five starter families, he is truly home. Although the first two years of his life were a struggle, I like to think he hit the jackpot on his sixth. We're as much in love with him as he is with us. And that's the way it should be.


Gilliam and Brad



Conrad has finished several "classes" at the Rocky Mount PetSmart with trainer Sybil Howard. The hope is for him to mature enough to go through Good Citizen's training. LOL He has a few things to work on before he is ready to take that step. He is a typical Weim.....curious about everything. Loves to steal the gum from my purse which I now hide in the closet when I get in from work. Wants to eat the cat but will settle for a quick rummage through the kitchen garbage. And of course, he loves the water. He is, as you well know, not picky about the type of water he enjoys. It can be a pristine lake or simple commode water. It all makes him happy.


He is very large at 120 pounds...I think he is a bit lardish but the Vet assures us he is fine. We are working with the trainer on some agility exercises. It has been a little difficult because of his size to find equipment he can pass through. LOl He doesn't mind the tight fit. If there is a treat at the other end....he will chew through the equipment if need be. He is wonderful. The smartest dog we have ever known. Everything in the house has a bolt or a lock because Conrad knows how to open all doors, gates and the kitchen window. His only tools are his nose and his huge paws. The Vet has to lock his cage when he is visiting or he escapes and wanders about the clinic until spotted by a Vet assistant.


Thank you for all you do to help find these wonderful animals find a loving home. Thank you for the opportunity to experience this breed for myself. My husband had Weims as a child and has loved them ever since. I now understand why Scott is so loyal to the breed.





First we added the extra X to Maxx’s name, just to be different from all the other dogs named Max, and then issued his full name for formal events: “Maxxwell Silver Hammer Head Smart-Moore.” I think there was a bonding on the first day Maxx and I met. I was sitting on the steps of his foster parents’ deck and Maxx came up and laid his head in my lap. A week later he was stuck to me like glue (or maybe me stuck to was hard to tell.) He has been with us for over two years now, and it has all been positive. We had the normal pet adjustments where he seemed to be a little reserved for the first week or so. One of his jobs was to make sure I did my walks in the afternoon, and after miles of walks combined with a stellar performance at obedience school, he accepted us and has been the best dog I have ever had.


He learned the invisible fence process faster than I thought possible, and unlike any dog I have had, will keep an eye on you when you are walking in the woods off leash. On weekends we meet a group of other dog owners in a local State Park and let the dogs run, play, and swim off leash. I have never seen him be anything but good with the other dogs, and even during those play times he returns to make sure I am not getting into any trouble. He likes to lie by our feet with one paw touching our foot to make sure we don’t get away. Sometimes he will just plop down on both feet, which is nice in winter as he is always warm. He is not a barker. I think I have only heard him bark two or three times in the years we have had him. He will sit and watch strangers while the Jack Russell barks and invites them in. I personally like this reserved watch and warn position, even though I know if someone broke in Maxx would lead the perp straight to the cookie jar!

George and Beth




We were looking for a young Weim, and we adopted Blair, found as a stray in Asheville, NC. It was a perfect match! Blair is great, very energetic and loves her people, plus gets along great with our dachshund terrier mix. Blair loved sitting on our back porch in Salisbury waiting for the birds and squirrels to come into the yard and then chase them all back out again. We have now moved to Asheville, where Blair was originally found, and have been taking her to a large dog park on the French Broad River. She is slowly learning to play with the other dogs, and she really loves swimming in the river!

Thank you so much for helping bring us together!


Matt and Anna



Hard to believe that Stella (formerly known as Paris) has been with us for over 2 years – she turns 4 in October. She is slowly growing up – but still has her moments of pure puppy enthusiasm – great fun! Here she is on vacation in the mountains – both the pond and the duck watching were a big hit. Thanks Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue for bringing our Stella to us – she is a joy – a very good dog, funny personality, plus a key part of our family.


Bill & Angela




Mickey was transported to his new home in a private plane. We have NEVER sent off one of our Rescue Weimies in such style!!!! His new owner writes: I just don't know what to say. Mickey is the most loving, kind, friendly, social dog. Kathy and I and Mickey bonded in just 48hrs (He jumped into our bed the first night and snores loudly!) He plays with my four year old grand son and is just so sweet. He has gone on many walks with me and loves our fenced in back yard he runs like a deer--sooooo fast!

We love him and are lucky you allowed Kathy & me to adopt him.





When I originally sought out Ryleigh, I was looking for a companion for my wife, and a good outside dog fit for service as a guardian. Naturally, things have not turned out quite as planned. Ryleigh now spends more time indoors than out, and is quite the clever little moocher. We (and the neighbors) also discovered her propensity towards kleptomania early on, but I'm sure she just thinks she is bringing home a gift for her "mama"!


Needless to say, Ryleigh is one happy camper here in the country, and particularly enjoys our pond where she swims regularly. She has turned out to be the smartest Weim I have ever owned, and is eager to please. We both love her very much, and I think our German Shepherd "Rocky" loves her too, now that he has gotten used to sleeping in her dog house instead of his (she moved him out the very first day). Thanks ever so much for pairing us up with Ryleigh, and as soon as we have room for another pet we'll certainly be in touch.



Tara & Lexie


We came to TWR the weekend after Thanksgiving 2007 after losing our beloved 6 year old female Pearl to Mast Cell cancer. You were very patient with our persistent calls and e-mails, and eventually called us to travel to a kill shelter north of Charlotte and rescue Tara on what was to have been her last day, the week before Christmas. We are thankful that nobody else was available to go and get her and that we decided to keep her for our own. We cannot imagine life without this 10-year old girl.


Our incessant love of Weims, and the realization that our 4 year old rescue Male Staffordshire Terrier could not suffer the loss of another beloved big ears in the near future, prompted us to seek your services again in January after we found 3 year old Lexie on your website. After a brief visit with the previous owners, it became apparent that her chewing issues were from lack of exercise. Her previous chewing habits have never occurred since we brought her home with us, and she has progressed into our morning alarm clock when she begins whining for us to get up and begin her day with a run.


When she came to us she was shy of men and not very affectionate, but now she is a docile lady that paws your arm when you stop petting her. In this picture from January 2008, you will see that (Tara in the foreground and Lexie never too far away) are tired from one of their daily runs. Their lives are radically different, with daily runs, swims, sun-bathing sessions, trips to Lake Michigan, and the mountains of Virginia…we can only hope we are as large a blessing to each of them as they are to us. Thanks for allowing us to work with your organization. We may be in touch soon to assist with fostering additional Weims.


The Bates Family



We came down to Raleigh, NC area to pick up Bogart (previously known as Gibson) in March. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. Our older greyhound tolerated him at first, but now he seems to have given the older boy more spring in his step. Bogart still has bright dreamy eyes. They look baby blue in the sunlight and bluish-green inside. He is a loving dog. He is the hit of the dog park. He loves to run and play.

Our neighbors comment frequently on how surprised they are that our dogs don't bark. Then just when we were being proud of that, a new neighbor moved in with a grill that has a red color on it, Bogart growls and barks at it!?!? It is good that he is protecting us from the killer grill.


He is a counter surfer, I'm not sure we'll ever break him of that. We are just being trained to never leave anything in his reach. He graduated his first doggie training class as you can see in the picture. He loved the tunnel and plays agility dog in our house by going behind the couches and finding ways to crawl under tables to get out. He did train very easily except for loose lead walking. That we are still working on. Thank you so much for our first Weim, we couldn't have asked for a better fit in our family.


Karla, Herb, Dino and Bogart



Here's our new boy! Has he grown, or what? He's the best boy - smart, funny and wants to please! He is doing excellent with crate training/housebreaking and he knows, even when he's sleeping, that you've left the room!


He loves being close to people and has learned to sit already! His big brothers are trying to get used to his exuberance and actually let him go through open doors first! HA! I cannot tell you how much he has stolen our hearts - what a character! And as I know his "puppy days" are far from being over, and there will be surprises and chewed things and accidents in the house, I am ready, willing, and able to handle whatever comes our way if Sam is here with us. He's part of our family now and we love him unconditionally. Thank you, Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue for this opportunity to have Sam in our lives. He is a gift, he is a joy! We'll be sending more updates along the journey.


Warm Regards,

Judy & Don



"Riley truly lives "The Life of Riley" with his adoptive family in Silver City, New Mexico during the school year, and at the family farm on the coast of South Carolina during the summer. About his many travels and adventures, his family wrote: Riley was surprised to find that he could not walk on lily pads as the spider he chased out of the boat was able to do. I wish I had a picture of him coming up with a lily pad on his head...eyes wide with surprise! Also, I wish I had a video of him diving for his Frisbee that went in the water one day...he kept swimming out to it and his paw would push it under as he paddled...he would then dive underwater to get it. Riley would not leave until he retrieved that Frisbee.


The first place I took Riley was the dog park when we returned to Silver City. The only three dogs there when we arrived were all Weims. Riley thought he had gone to heaven. We have met six Weims altogether since returning to Silver City. Riley continues to enjoy his frisbee, although he was upset when a psychotic Beagle tore one to pieces with the owner giving us only a shoulder shrug. We now leave the dog park if the beagle arrives. As I write, Riley has climbed from under my desk at work to let me know he needs to go out.


Here is a picture of him in all the snow we had several months ago. He is sporting his new winter line of dog clothes..."Riley Wear"...LOL! He is checking out the snowman that was made from all the shoveling I did.


Thank you again for introducing us to the best dog we have ever had!




Oliver is SUCH a special boy and we love him dearly!!!! I guess God intended for him to be with us after being listed on your site for so long with no interest from anyone. He has found his forever home and he really loves living with us. He is so smart and loyal and just such a joy to have in our home!!! We can not even imagine not having him as part of our family! After coming to our home his entire personality changed and he is the most well-behaved dog in our home.....LOL. He has full run of our house with our female weim and our jack russell.....he is not a counter surfer.........I can take him out off-leash and he is VERY obedient. He still has to have a blanket to drag around the house and he is sooooo cute with it! We could not have found a better dog to fit into our home and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for finding him for us. He is now the perfect weight and FULL of energy and so healthy!






Hi! Just wanted to update you on Rainer. He is a 5 year old male weimaraner that was being fostered with Dyana at the Dog Club of Wilmington in July. He has settled in nicely with our 12 year old male cocker spaniel. They are couch potatoes together during the day. We recently went to visit our granddaughter in Warrenton, VA and Rainer bonded quite well with our daughter's dogs. She has a 12 year old male mini dachshund, a 4 year old female german shepherd, and a 3 year old siberian husky.


Everyone describes Rainer as "majestic". I think that fits. He is sweet, gentle, loving, rarely barks, never messes in the house, always lets us know when he wants out, jumps into the jacuzzi tub to be bathed, and loves to be brushed. If I didn't have to work, I'd want 3 more of him! He rides well in the car and where we go, he goes. We can't wait to take him on vacation to the oceanfront next summer! I bought him a "chaise lounge" bed that perfectly matches the color of his coat and if he didn't have his blue collar on, we wouldn't be able to see him on it! The vet thinks he's gorgeous and he gave kisses to all the other dogs in the waiting room when we left. What else can I say? He's a keeper!


Thanks to all of You,

Gloria & Dom



We adopted Beamer (previously Cooper) in August 2007. We already had a 6 month old female Weimaraner named Daisy and Beamer seemed like the perfect playmate for her. We drove down from Virginia Beach to meet him and knew right away that he was going to come home with us.


He and Daisy were fast friends immediately! For the first few weeks, he even preferred to sleep with her in her crate at night rather than in his own alone, and they love wresting, playing tug with their toys, and chasing each other around the yard. From the moment he walked into the house that first night, he seemed to know exactly which spots Daisy liked best – under my desk while I work, right on her bed (whether she’s already on it or not!), and her favorite kitchen rug. He even taught Daisy how to jump up on the couch and bed.

Beamer has grown so much and filled out quite a bit (he was a Parvo pup) and is a really happy guy. He’s gotten a lot more comfortable and confident since we brought him home - he will counter surf every chance he gets just to see what goodies he can find and he is always coming over to lean on us to ask for a good back scratch. He still loves to be with us and never lets us get too far from sight even at the park or beach. He is such a sweet, mellow, and loving dog. He’s fit right in and found his place in our home and our hearts. We can’t imagine life without him!! Thank you!


My husband Rob and I first heard about the Weimaraners that were rescued in Raleigh from a puppy mill in December of 2006. Our hearts went out to the poor souls that had such a rough and unfortunate past. But we were at capacity with our 3 Weims, one of which, Zack, we had just adopted from TWC in September of 2006. But in May of 2007 our boy, 11 yr old Zack, became very ill and we lost him in June. The loss was heartbreaking but after a short time and lots of tears later, we decided to start looking for a new family member.


I immediately began checking Petfinders and the first time I saw Hank, then called Buddy, my heart went out to him. I read the story of this shy, skittish boy; I saw his piece of ear that was missing and I knew he was the one. For a couple of weeks I corresponded with Hank's foster mom and became more convinced than ever that this was meant to be. And just 3 weeks after losing our beloved Zack, I loaded up the car with our two Weims, Avery & Wallace and we made the 3.5 hour trip to pick up Hank...


We’ve now had him 11 months and he continues to improve everyday. He is our shadow and just loves to snuggle. Once he learned he could sit on the couch, it fast became his favorite spot. And it doesn’t matter who is on it, he’ll plop right down on you if need be. We just love Hank and couldn’t imagine life without him. Hank and our newest rescue, Ellie, just love each other! They snuggle on their dogs beds together and thoroughly enjoy their days together at doggie daycare. We feel blessed to have Hank as apart of our family and truly appreciate him for the wonderful Weimaraner that he is. Our thanks to Melissa and her family and Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue for taking such good care of him, while he waited for us.

Christi & Rob



To our friends at TWR, We thought you’d like to see a picture taken July 23, 2008 of us with my truck here in Cashiers / Sapphire. This is a great place to live and I’m happy and healthy and have my own truck to ride in with my best friends as the driver.


My best to all my friends at TWR! Love Bailey



As you know, we lost our Weimaraner in November. We were both devastated and filled with sadness. I have lost dogs before and I know the only cure for that ache in your heart is another dog. My husband and I contacted the Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue and we quickly received our new joy! Her name is Ruby, who was seven months old. She is a beautiful, obedient, smart and great natured dog!!! She is so much fun and we love her very much! We can't say enough about the Rescue. They were very helpful from the first phone call. Thank you Don and Rebecca, Lisa and Rick and most of all Rosi and Ruby. We have been very blessed!



John & Laure



Ice joined our family February 14,2007. We call her Icey. She was 7 years old and had been a breeder in a kennel. When she no longer was needed for producing puppies, she was given to the Weimareiner rescue. She was fostered for a while and given much love. It seemed that all she required was a family to love her and spend time with her.


Icey certainly hit the dog lottery when she came to live with us. She has learned to live with 3 house cats. One was a little kitten that was abandoned in the neighborhood so I took her in and Icey and I fed her with a bottle. Icey did the nurturing for the kitten. The kitten plays hide and seek with Icey. She also has an outside kitten who runs and jumps on her when she runs by. She will make a whining noise when she sees the kitten outside the fence. The kitten comes running when she hears Icey.


Icey has become very attached to my grandsons who stay with me while their parents work. My Mother also lives with us and requires my care. When Mom is having a really bad day, Icey walks over to her and lays her head on her chest and keeps close check. On the occasions that I have called an ambulance, Icey just will not leave her side until Mom is put in the ambulance.


We recently took Icey to the beach on vacation which she thoroughly enjoyed. She loved having all of the people on the beach coming up to her and petting her. She also goes with me to pick up my grandson at preschool 3 mornings a week and sometimes goes on the playground with the children. Icey has brought this family much joy.



Duma joined our family in August of 2006. A family member had owned a Weim several years ago, so I knew this was the breed I wanted. My partner (Buddy) and I moved into our home in August of ’06, so I began the process of adoption in June of that year. Duma was rescued by a wonderful foster mother who found him wandering around, half-starved, in the Pisgah Mountains near Asheville. Because of her compassion and the generosity and care of a local vet, our boy was spared.


Duma was a joy from the start. Buddy was a little apprehensive about adopting a Weim, since I had regaled him with tales about how rambunctious and full of energy the breed was. Within a week, he was hooked and loved Duma as much as I did. My daughter was a little dubious about how he would react to my granddaughter since he’s not used to children, but, as you can see, she didn’t have to worry. Not only is Duma a valued member of our family, he’s my protector, my friend and companion. I don’t know how we’d manage without him.



Our rescue pup Tatum (formerly Thyme) is doing fantastic! She has grown like a weed - now weighs 50 pounds but appears to be all legs. She has been a lot of fun to watch grow. Her personality is completely different than our four year olds. She has taken charge. When she is not terrorizing her older brother she is a complete cuddle bug. There is not much in between - it's either wide open or curled up in your lap. We love her to death and can't thank you and your organization enough for saving her and bringing us together.

Fletcher & Daisy


"It's going to be your dog," I told my boyfriend before he went to pick up Daisy from her foster home. I wanted a mutt and didn't know why he had to drive half way across North Carolina to pick up a dog he'd never met. Couldn't we just go down to the pound and pick out a cute puppy? Then I saw Daisy. Daisy became my running partner and our snuggle buddy. She made an appearance in our engagement photographs and regularly receives mail from grandma. She is the third member of our family and we couldn't imagine life without her.


That would be a nice happily ever after, but we decided that Daisy needed a friend. We hesitated for over a year until one day the Rescue Newsletter came in the mail with a photo and story of another rescue Weim whose mom had recently adopted a friend to keep the first dog company. We were searching on the Rescue website the next day for the right addition. Enter Chuck, who came to us within a week from the Rescue Club. We decided that Chuck was really Fletcher, but other than that we didn't really know what to do with him. Fletcher was tall, gangly, skinny, very smelly, and sick. He was super sweet and just wanted to sit on us.


Fletcher thought Daisy was the prettiest dog he'd ever seen but Daisy seemed confused as to why we brought a big goofy dog to live with us, especially when he didn't know not to pee inside, bite at other dogs, take things off the kitchen counter (especially kitchen knives, which he did!), and wail and screech every time he was left alone. Our neighbors asked whose dog we were pet sitting and why did he bark so much! Slowly but surely, my husband taught Fletcher most of the rules and he's enlisted the help of a local dog training club to hammer home the point that it's not acceptable to gobble up our food every time we turn our back. After the first few weeks ignoring him, Daisy has decided that it's actually pretty fun to play with Fletcher, especially on the rug they have decided is their wrestling ring.


The four of us are a funny family and I think we learn a lot about life every day from each other. Living in our house is louder and smellier now, but its so much better. We don't sleep as long or hard as we once did, but we laugh a ton more. 

Thanks for giving us Daisy and Fletcher!



We adopted Luke a bit over a month ago and it is amazing how quickly he has become a full-fledged member of our family. The first few days were an adventure of figuring out each other and I'll have to say that Luke did a remarkable job at this. He amazed us at his ability to fit in, to explore new things and places, to accept new people and animals and to remain happy and loving through it all. When I look back at his first day compared to how he is today I am so very impressed...if only people could adapt and learn so quickly! Luke has likely traveled around NC more in the past month than most NC humans, going from the far west of the state to the far east and exploring the best of both extremes. He's hiked the trails of NC, happily chasing falling acorns. He's run the beaches, happily chasing blowing seaweed. He's learned how to ride in a boat and, although he doesn't care for water very much, he's learned that when everyone else jumps off of the boat he'd better follow or he'll miss out on all the fun. He's learned to sit, come, down, heel, stay and least when there are treats involved.

There were specific things that I worried about in adopting a rescued dog, things that I'm sure most people considering adoption worry about, such as would I miss the puppy fun, would he have problems bonding with a new family or would he have unrecoverable behavior traits that had forced his previous family to give him up. With Luke I can say none of these fears have been realized. He is only a bit over a year old and exhibits enough puppy behavior for anyone. He LOVES toys, he loves running and interactive playing. He immediately bonded with us. From the very first day, it was clear to me that I was his person and he was my dog. I want to thank Tarheel Weimaraner Rescue for making this adoption possible...rescuing Weimaraner-less families!



For all the world to Know: Bailey has adopted us (Boston Terriers Fred & Myrtle Jean, Barbara Jean, Baileys new mom, and me) and approves her new home here in the mountains of Rural NC where she runs and plays and swims and comes when called and makes friends when introduced. She's very defensive of "her" truck and strangers who are inquisitive about it (just like Gus was).


She eats very well. So much so that it's tough not to give in to her voracious appetite, but a limit on her intake is a must to keep her girlish figure!  Vet check says she's a perfect Weimie and we're very blessed to have her to complete our lives! My heartfelt thanks to each and every one or making this all possible. You're Great people full of love and compassion!


Blessings to All,
